Fashion Design

Study Fashion Design in Turkey

  When it comes to Studying Fashion Design in Turkey, Universities in Turkey offer either two or four years of undergraduate education. Most of the students choose Istanbul – the Fashion Capitol of Turkey and the middle-eastern-erea as their destination for Fashion and Textile Design studies. The quality of Universities in Turkey are competing with the top-ranked-universities from all over the world. As you know, Fashion designers plan, create and develop clothing. Fashion designers orient themselves to current needs and trends and thus connect buyers and manufacturers.

About Studying Fashion Design in Turkey

The fashion industry in Turkey is in constant development and the designers have to adapt to those. New technologies as well as factors that change society, such as sustainably / organically produced fashion, require increased awareness, flexibility and decision-making confidence. Turkish Universities are following the evaluation of the Textile Industry and fit the needs of the industry. For International students Turkey is one of the most chosen destinations to study Fashion Design. More and more students choose to study in Istanbul.

More about Studying Fashion Design in Turkey

You will not only design, draw at your Fashion Design studies in Turkey. The Fashion Design courses in Turkey also consists of theoretical lectures and seminars. Even scientific work will be sometimes a part of your education.

Here are some examples what you will learn while you study Fashion Design in Turkey:

  • History of clothing and design
  • Sociology of fashion
  • Fashion display
  • Design theory
  • Visual communication
  • Manufacturing engineering
  • Material technology
  • Creative construction systems, pattern construction
  • Digitization of sections
  • Fashion management and fashion marketing
  • Product management

Career Opportunities

It is obvious: anyone who studies fashion design wants to become a fashion designer. But where are these used everywhere? On the one hand, you can of course set up your own business, set up your own brand and sell your designs yourself, for example online or in your own shop. That is certainly the dream of many designers. That this works immediately after graduation is rather unrealistic (if not completely impossible). You can also offer your designs and product lines to fashion brands, which then sell them under your or their label.